Course Planning Resources

HGSE Course Planning
If you have navigated to this site, most likely you are ready to complete course form(s) for the courses you will be teaching during the coming Academic Year 2024-25. We ask that you review the forms, including those for spring semester, make any necessary updates and additions, and then submit the forms as soon as possible, and no later than June 1st. 
HGSE Course Update Electronic form
Please log in to my.harvard and click on your worklist, where you will see your course form(s) listed under "electronic forms." Please make sure to click “Submit” and NOT “Save” as this will not start the process for us to approve the form. Instructions on how to submit electronic forms in My.Harvard can be found here.
Please note that if you are teaching multiple courses and/or courses in multiple semesters, terms, and modules, you might not get all your course forms at once. If that is the case, missing forms will be made available to you at a later date.
Academic Calendar Infromation